I assume that the path of the shared library will be somehow relative to the GUC dynamic_library_path? If not, the lanlibrary should be changed to "$libdir/libpljava". That requires that PL/Java is installed within the PostgreSQL distribution.

I also assume that the handler name can be prefixed with a schema name? All PL/Java support functions reside in the sqlj schema.

If my assumptions are correct, then please add:

        { "java", true, "sqlj.java_call_handler", NULL,
                "libpljava" },
        { "javaU", false, "sqlj.javau_call_handler", NULL,
                "libpljava" },

The validator for PL/Java will have to wait until 8.2.

Thomas Hallgren

Tom Lane wrote:
I've committed changes to implement the cut-down form of this proposal:
discussed here:

Barring further changes, we'll have a hard-wired template list for 8.1
and a real system catalog in 8.2.  So there's a choice now for PLs that
are not part of the core distribution: do you want to be listed in the
hard-wired template?

The advantages of being listed are:

1. Reloading old dumps that involve your language should be easier,
since problems like version-specific paths to shared libraries will
go away.

2. Your PL support functions will end up in pg_catalog instead of
the public schema, which will please people who'd like to remove public
from their installations.

The main disadvantage I can see is that you won't easily be able to
change your PL creation parameters (eg, add a validator function)
over the lifespan of the 8.1 release.  So depending on your development
roadmap you might think this a bad tradeoff.

If you want to be listed, let me know.  What I need to know to list you
is values for this table:

typedef struct
    char       *lanname;         /* PL name */
    bool        lantrusted;      /* trusted? */
    char       *lanhandler;      /* name of handler function */
    char       *lanvalidator;    /* name of validator function, or NULL */
    char       *lanlibrary;      /* path of shared library */
} PLTemplate;

As examples, the entries for the core PLs are

        { "plpgsql", true, "plpgsql_call_handler", "plpgsql_validator",
          "$libdir/plpgsql" },
        { "pltcl", true, "pltcl_call_handler", NULL,
          "$libdir/pltcl" },
        { "pltclu", false, "pltclu_call_handler", NULL,
          "$libdir/pltcl" },
        { "plperl", true, "plperl_call_handler", "plperl_validator",
          "$libdir/plperl" },
        { "plperlu", false, "plperl_call_handler", "plperl_validator",
          "$libdir/plperl" },
        { "plpythonu", false, "plpython_call_handler", NULL,
          "$libdir/plpython" },

                        regards, tom lane

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