Well, I certainly don't think a setof <name, type> is adequate for pg_get_tabledef(). What about constraints? And what you are suggesting can probably be got by very simple queries against either the catalog or the information schema, and seems to me to have little value.

Well it isn't simple queries because they aren't documented. It is a lot easier to say, select pg_get_tabledesc('foo') then a select with 3 different joins and a couple of where clauses (I actually don't think it is that bad. I have a query that does it.) What I am suggesting is that we have a standard way for APIs to get information that they need.

The information doesn't need to be limited to just the name and type, we could add cosntraint info. I am not against that at all.

Anyway, I suggest having both functions. One that will spit out the actual create information, and the other set that gives user space usable information.

Joshua D. Drake


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