Alvaro Herrera wrote:
Joshua D. Drake wrote:

Name and datatype was just an example. I am trying to get people to actually provide feedback (thank you). Andrew brought up that also including the constraints would be a good idea which I agree.

You also need rules, triggers, inheritance, indexes, primary key
specification, foreign keys, default values, CHECK constraints, storage
configuration (i.e., "plain", "extended", etc), statistics
configuration.  Maybe I'm still missing something.  How do you do all
that with a single result set?

My argument is to find a way to make it a little easier for application and API developers.

Most of those people will not need the storage configuration or the statistics. Nor will they likely (although less powerful of an argument) need the foreign key information.

Default values? Maybe. Check constraints o.k.

It is certainly possible to build a function to return all of this in a result set.

Joshua D. Drake


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      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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