Merlin Moncure wrote:
> On 8/3/06, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm not clear on why there's all this doom and gloom about how 8.2 will
>> be "merely" a performance-oriented release, with few new features, eg
>> Certainly there's been a ton of effort spent on high-end performance
>> issues.  But a quick troll through the CVS logs shows a fair number of
>> features that could be considered killer must-have things by their
>> respective target audiences:
> i can't resist this unproductive distraction from actual work.  this
> is a huge release for me as it nails a lot of the features i've been
> waiting literally years for.  it feels a lot like the 7.4 release
> where similar debates when on esp. regarding the windows port, etc.
> note that even if the release had no user level features at all, it
> would be better to release: the outside world likes to see the project
> is still active and moving forward.

I fully agree here - 8.2 is a release that is of more interest to us
than say 8.0 was.
For some of our existing apps 8.2 is dramatically faster due to much
better planed queries and things like 20-25% faster dump/restore cycles
due to the dramatic improvements on sorting (and therefor CREATE INDEX)
are really really cool things.
Just switching to 8.2 makes one of our (interactive-web) app feel
"blazingly fast" instead of just "ok" and that is a good thing - a very
good one in fact ...
And beside that the list tom posted is already damn impressive on it's
own - i guess there are a number of large projects that can only dream
of having a "new features" list like that.


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