Magnus Hagander wrote:
> Another point that at least I don't know - what kind of connection pool
> is it? Is it an external one (like pgpool) to which the java app
> connects (using FE/BE protocol, emulating a "proper postmaster" but
> pooling access to the database), or is it running inside the app server
> (like for example .net connection pooling does, which simply means that
> when you run the Open() method on the connection object it will pick
> something off an *internal* pool)?

Googling for 3CPO [1] shows that it is a Java-based connection pool that implements connection pooling using the JDBC API, i.e. it is an *internal* pool running inside the app servers JVM. PG Admin cannot in any case connect through this pool.

Best Regards
Michael Paesold


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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