Euler Taveira de Oliveira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Simon Riggs wrote:
>> Should this be reworked as an src/bin program? Or is the contrib module
>> the best form for this in 8.3?
> Please submit it to -patches. IMHO it should stay in src/bin because
> it'll be part of a solution that is tightly integrated to core (PITR).

I think src/bin would be a seriously bad place for it, because that
carries the presumption that "there can be only one", whereas in reality
this will be more like an example of one way to do it.  contrib seems OK.

(And no, it should NOT be perceived as "tightly integrated to core".
The entire point of the design is to keep that behavior separate.)

                        regards, tom lane

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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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