Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> Matt Miller wrote:
> >>When I apply pgcluster-1.7.0rc1-patch to Postgres REL8_2_STABLE I get
> >>a handful of rejects.
> >
> >The patch applies to the 8.2.0 tarball  without rejects and without
> >fuzz. That's good.  Now on to some fun with pgcluster...
> >
> >However, the patch will not apply to cvs branch REL8_2_0.  This all
> >raises the question: what's the difference between REL8_2_STABLE,
> >REL8_2_0, and the 8.2.0 tarball?
> STABLE doesn't mean static. It's the branch for what will be the 8.1.x 
> series. But REL8_2_0 should correspond pretty closely to the tarball, I 
> believe. Until we see the rejects it's hard to tell what the problem is, 
> though.

I've been told that the pgcluster patch patches some generated files
(parse.h and other apparently).  It would be no surprise that it failed
on those.

Alvaro Herrera                      
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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