Warren Turkal wrote:
On Monday 26 February 2007 14:22, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
Is there a list of projects? Or can we suggest some?

Temporal database support
* base data types
  - verify current for ISO compliance (timestamp, interval)
  - implement period datatype
* operators for those datatypes
* add support for valid time tables
* add support for transaction time tables
* add support for bi-temporal tables

Well, here's a question. Given the recent discussion re full disjunction, I'd like to know what sort of commitment we are going to give people who work on proposed projects. I understand Warren's keenness for this, but it's not clear to me that it has lots of support elsewhere, and IIRC the idea was rejected by the SQL Standards body. I don't object to making new data types available, but new table properties is quite another matter.

So, what exactly are we promising?



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