Christopher Kings-Lynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Weeeeell, I guess I'm against it based on the rules of feature freeze, 
> even though it would be really useful for me :(

It would have been a lot easier to approve it if it'd arrived on June 30
rather than July 6 :-(.  However, I do believe that David originally
submitted a slightly-too-late version of this in the previous release
cycle, so maybe we could cut him a little slack and pretend this is a
mistakenly-forgotten patch that we held over from 7.4.

Note I haven't actually *read* the patch and so take no position on
whether it does what it claims to.  But if someone else will read/test
it and give it a favorable report, then I'm inclined to approve it.
I'm quite sure we'd agreed in principle to allow multiple -t values.
(A negative -T switch is another matter --- that part maybe needs
more discussion.)

                        regards, tom lane

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