Magnus Hagander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> > * Allowing config files to be read from anywhere is not acceptable.
>> > We have dealt with this in the core code and the contrib examples
>> > *must* follow the same rules.
>> Is it necessary to require this behaviour from each contrib module? They
>> are not core code, and usually solve application-level tasks - is it
>> optimal to store the application config files in postgres tree?
> Yes. We've been thruogh that many times wrt adminpack, and we don't want to
> do that again :-)
> See convert_and_check_filename() in adminpack.c.

Ok, I understand.

In this case, the simplest way for me is to use
get_tsearch_config_filename(), which assumes files in
share/tsearch_data/, like standard tsearch dictionaries do. Or contrib
modules have to keep their files strictly in share/contrib/?

Sergey Karpov

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