Hi andrei


And remove the roundTo: 0.1 in the coinFor:into2: method.

The while loop will iterate forever and pressing on into nearly kill you

else you get killed by DNU from the debugger.


PS: Yes I know I'm the stupider guy in the world because I criticise the wonderful GT tools and I should not because it is not acceptable :)

Le 3/6/16 à 22:01, Andrei Chis a écrit :
Hi Stef,

Can you provide a way to load or access the entire code of your example?


On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 9:43 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr <mailto:steph...@free.fr>> wrote:


    I'm debugging a simple algo for a first exercises in Pharo future
    book and I get stepToSendOrReturn

    DNU when using the debugger. :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

    You see I would really like in Pharo that we get new tools only
    when there are better than the old

    ones. I still could not see how GTDebugger helps me debugging
    faster my programs.

    Personally the fact that GT debugger can show bytecodes or can be
    extended is not in the critical path.

    My critical path is that I can debug Pharo programs and now I cannot.

    I also did not see any comments on the multiple complaints about
    the funky place for the buttons.

    So to me GTDebugger is a disappointement.

    Here is the kind of code I'm debugging so this is not that complex
    nor implying concurrency or whatever complex.

    coinsFor: aValue into2: accuWallet

        | accu |
        self halt.
        accu := accuWallet money.
        accu < aValue ]
            whileTrue: [
                            | big |
                            big := self biggest.
                            [ big > (aValue - accu) ] whileTrue: [
                                     big := self biggestBelow: big ].
                            self removeCoin: big.
                            accuWallet addCoin: big ].
        ^ accuWallet


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