
We certainly want to have a bullet proof debugger.

However, by looking at the selector you mention, the problem you got with the 
crashing debugger is almost surely reproducible with the old debugger. It is 
unlikely related to the GT Debugger (which is essentially a UI).

The issue you mention with the stack selection is a GT Debugger issue indeed. 
@Andrei: let us open an issue for this and let us look again at the selection 
strategy for the SUnit debugger.


> On Jun 4, 2016, at 6:01 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
>> I will try to reproduce it and send it to you. 
> I tried and after several tries I could not reproduce the bug but I could 
> totally freeze 
> the image :(
> Do not ask me how. See screenshot below
> Now I do not get it but when I put a halt like the following
> coinsFor: aValue into2: accuWallet
>     | accu |
>     self halt. 
>     [ 
>     accu := accuWallet money. 
>     accu < aValue ] 
>         whileTrue: [ 
>                         | big |
>                         big := self biggest.
>                         [ big > ((aValue - accu))  ] whileTrue: [
>                                  big := self biggestBelow: big ].
>                         self removeCoin: big.
>                         accuWallet addCoin: big ].
>     ^ accuWallet 
> - sometimes I cannot get it stopped there :( when running the test for 
> coinsFor: 
> testCoinsForPayingWithOtherCoins for example. 
>     I got it now 
>     GTInspector does not open on latest stack frame but the one before and if 
> I scroll I get it 
> <ianmjlfcejhofpgl.png>
> So this one should be easy to fix. For the other one I do not know. 
> Having a robust debugger would be priority number one. 
> Stef
> <hjelkjfocdmahjhd.png>
> Stef


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