On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 2:19 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
> I'll try once more to explain.
> You like the catalog, don't you ?  It was your idea in the first place. With 
> this feature you can just type XML, CSV, JSON or whatever and it will suggest 
> a couple of catalog projects that you can install with just one click, no 
> need to open any tool you don't even know. This is especially good for new 
> leverages all the work put in the catalog.
> Is Spotter or any other part of Pharo perfect ? No.
> For many people, Spotter make a huge functional difference, we use it every 
> minute. If it would hang or block the image even once a day, any of us would 
> complain loudly.
> Conclusion: it works for 99% of the people/cases.
> Even in the 1% where there is a problem, it is not 100% sure it is related to 
> the catalog searching. In the last concrete issue reported, the guy tried 
> disabling the catalog searching AND IT MADE NO DIFFERENCE !
> So again, why turn it off ? It is an overreaction, not engineering.
> The underlying problem is that in some very rare, hard to reproduce cases we 
> cannot reliably detect that there is no network. That's about it.

If the root cause is a blocking system call e.g....
"NetNameResolver class>>#addressForName: sometimes hangs when there is
no network"

this seems very hard to fix at the Image level, except maybe doing
in-Image name resolution instead of relying on the system library. I
found this...


cheers -ben

> Note also that almost every application or app today will do some network 
> calls, this is how the world work - we should be able to do the same with 
> Pharo, not run away and kill every feature that does a network call.
>> On 06 Jul 2016, at 18:14, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
>> Who vote to put it in?
>> Seriously I think that my main concern is about getting Pharo stable in any 
>> occasion and not giving
>> a bad impression of the system. I takes enough time to build traction and 
>> such glitches can spoil
>> our effort in no time. "Yes Pharo froze."
>> So it would be nice to care take of such aspect.
>> I do not understand why super users do not manage to put a reference to on 
>> in the preferences.
>> Sorry esteban but I do not buy your argument that something off is remove. 
>> No it is off.
>> Stef
>>>> On 06 Jul 2016, at 09:52, GitHub <nore...@github.com> wrote:
>>>> 18674 Turn spotter catalog off by default
>>>>     https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/18674
>>> We did not agree on this, at all, there was no public discussion, no vote.

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