Would you highlight all string in all code as if it contained code? Or would 
you add this just for
Pragmas? But even there, strings are string, not code.
and then? you try and if it failed then in not code and you do not highlight it.
I think we can conclude that pragmas are not a good solution to the problem, as 
they are far
too limited to express code.
I second that.
Furthermore, typical examples require more than one liners, and these should be 
factored out separately.

I'm talking about

    "Returns the base of the basename,
        /foo/gloops.taz basename is 'gloops.taz'
        / basename is '/'"

I do not think that it makes sense to have a separate example for this.
Because you want to read everything

I do not see why the following would not work.
    "Returns the base of the basename"
<expr: '''/foo/gloops.taz'' asFileReference basename' result: 'gloops.taz'>

Now I hate the extra ' for strings.
We should invent a syntax to be put inside comments and that we can easily parse because we need to improve
the use and discovery of the library.

    "Returns the base of the basename"
    '/foo/gloops.taz' asFileReference basename
    >>> 'gloops.taz'

I cannot not do anything and just complain that our methods are not that well documented.
We as a community should take this and build an super cool system.


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