Hi Sven

Can someone who really knows/understand please describe where to find the 
necessary Pharo VM's to run on the newly released macOS Sierra (10.12) ?
I will let Esteban reply.
In particular it seems old VM's just stop working and recent VM's that do work 
either have issues or cannot run older (3.0, 4.0) images.
But you see Pharo 50 got all the internal object representation changed. It happens only every 15 years or more. This is not an easy changes. We did not rewrote a new FFI just because we did not know what to do.
The new format open so many future opportunities but it has a cost.

Well if mac changes some important low-level entries why the VM would not be impacted.
Esteban is working on
    - 64 bits support
    - ARM VM
    - after he should work on the FT plugin
Now I think that he is quite efficient as engineers and it means that the community should help
or put more money on the table to get more engineers.


PS: I have not yet upgraded, but one of my colleagues did and he got stuck: 
even after we found a VM that worked, it could only run 5.0 images, not his 
production 4.0 images. Needless to say, this is not good.

PS2: Another really annoying problem is the following: he saved all his (really 
important) scripts using Script Manager as a FUEL. Moving between 4.0 and 5.0 
FUEL stops working (version incompatibility) - this is really not cool, why 
would a newer FUEL not be able to read older FUEL. He ended up copying string 
data by opening the binary FUEL file in a text editor.

I was really concerned by that since Fuel inception. I agree with you. I think that a serialization format should live over multiple versions. Now this is difficult to achieve when the serializer is drastically optimised and rely on internal representation logic. And manpower of course. What the Script Manager should do is to provide a textual output too like using STON.

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