Hi Sean,

Why not `anElement simulateClick`?

Good question :)
We indeed evaluated a possibility to have (BlElement >> #simulateClick) but
then decided to make BlSpace class to be responsible for that.

First we should realise that when we simulate a click we do literally
simulate user's action which is: mouseDown at some global coordinate in
space and then mouseUp. A process of handing mouse down/up events involves
some complex event processing in order to detect what should happen, for
example, with currently focused element or if we need to send double-click
event. It is a mouse processor who is responsible for all these actions and
it belongs to Space (inst. var in space). Not to mention some weird cases
of overlapped elements, elements with custom elevation (zIndex), custom
mouseDown/up event listeners that do some work too...
That is why it is definitely not enough just to send a plain BlClickEvent
directly to the element. Instead, we should involve a space in the process
and actually simulate it by pushing mouseDown and mouseUp events to the
event queue.

Next what we realised it the fact that it is not nice to always create a
temporary space and add our element to it in order to simulate a click.
What if an element is already added to the space, what if not?
To wrap up, we decided that it should be a responsibility of the Space
*class* to create a new temporary instance of itself, add an element to it,
simulate click event and then delete itself. In order to show the intent
and a process behind we decided that it would be a good idea to actually
write a code like this:

BlSpace simulateClickOn: element.

In english it is quite nice:

"dear space class, could you, please, simulate a click event on a given
element?" *It is a space who simulates event, not an element.*

P.S. Users can still send a BlClickEvent directly (informs 'click'):

element := BlElement new.
element addEventHandlerOn: BlClickEvent do: [ self inform: 'click' ].
element fireEvent: BlClickEvent new


On 10 November 2017 at 21:22, Sean P. DeNigris <s...@clipperadams.com>

> Tudor Girba-2 wrote
> > - support for programatic testing of bloc mouse events:
> > https://twitter.com/feenkcom/status/925672206763511808
> Why not `anElement simulateClick`?
> -----
> Cheers,
> Sean
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Developers-f1294837.html

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