2015-04-05 15:07 GMT+02:00 Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com>:

> What would be exciting is in a "host-image" being able to generate an
> empty special-object Root-Object  (like is held by the VM) as a guest-image
> inside the host-image, so you can push core elements into it until the
> guest is a running minimal-image, but standard tools can be used to debug
> it.  I guess this might be like the simulator (which I haven't used) - but
> maybe that just simulates the VM so there are differences.
> </dreaming>

you should read Guille's PhD because this is exactly what he did ;-)


> btw (and just for interest), are there any tutorials for running the
> simulator.  A quick google didn't bring up anything useful.
> cheers -ben

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