+1 on the long term support and stability topic.

... and if I remember correctly, either Stephane or Marcus once talked about plans for some kind of LTS version at ESUG two or three years ago...?

Am 11.04.19 um 15:29 schrieb Mariano Martinez Peck:
Hi Esteban,

We talk this privately a couple of weeks ago, but I thought it was worth writing again here. As for other IDE's being enjoyable, I can only talk about VASmalltalk. If there is ONE thing I enjoy from it, is the stability. May be ugly, may be too-windows, may be full of menus you don't understand what they do, but it's really rock solid. Pharo has been doing a LOT of progress on so many areas and its expected to decrease a bit on stability. Unless you are Oracle and can hire 100 engineers. So, my small recommendation to you back then was to make at least ONE release (called LTS or whatever) were you just focus on stability and bugs. No new features. No new framework. Just stability. Make it rock solid. Then after that release, you can keep moving forward, but that would give companies and really really stable Pharo to rely on.

Mariano Martinez Peck
Email: marianop...@gmail.com <mailto:marianop...@gmail.com>
Twitter: @MartinezPeck
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariano-mart%C3%ADnez-peck/

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