Hi Mark - not to distract you, as its good to see someone pushing on the Spec 
integration with a real use case - but an alternate is a web application. 
Presumably you are familiar with Seaside  but there is another kid in town that 
I’ve been having a lot of fun with with - CodeParadise - which uses MVP with 
the UI hosted transparently as minimal client side image (via the magic of 
Pharo Candle to create a minimal Dom based headless image that runs on the 
SqueakJS VM) using WebComponents. I’m still in awe over how this works and 
brings numerous Smalltalk technologies together (although - seeing Esteban demo 
a native spec app earlier this month was very cool too).

CP is still pretty heavily in development (so the same doc scarcity as well - 
https://github.com/ErikOnBike/CodeParadise) - but I’ve been helping Erik get 
Shoelace (https://shoelace.style/components/card) working in it - and that has 
a decent rich set of UI components that you can hook up (there isn’t a tree 
view though - not sure if that’s some CSS trickery to accomplish this).

There was a presentation on it a few months ago - https://vimeo.com/457353130

Anyway - welcome to Pharo and isn’t it fun to pick up on Smalltalk again?


> On 12 May 2021, at 08:44, mark.odonoghue.2...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi Kasper
> Yes please! - that would also be an interesting project to look at…
> Cheers
> Mark

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