
Hi :)

> First of all it's never a good idea to use <?
> instead of <?php. But  
> anyway. Your loss. ;)

My loss?  Explain?  (all ears)  I've used only <? php
a few times and end it with ?> ...  But I normally use
only <? and ?> and have *never* had a problem with it.

But I am all ears knowing why though?  I have seen
alot of different ones but have no idea what they mean
to be totally honest, here are some.

Starting codes:

<? php 
<? php else:
<? php4 // I am guessing for php4 but could be wrong

> You will need to do a refresh of the page to be able
> to run an insert  
> query.
> The refresh will need to be made by the JavaScript
> and since I've  
> refused to learn JavaScript, I can't help you with
> that. Remember also  
> that the JS needs to send a variable containing the
> username to the PHP  
> code.

Bugger, can anyone else assist me here, the query part
I know how to do.  Just need help refreshing maybe to
the same file but use a if extension like this:

samefile.php?winner=WINNER CODE GOES HERE

WINNER CODE I could generate automatically when a game
is done, so if a winner it will update to the db with
the winner code and where someone hits the above page
it will look for that code again, if can't find it
will not generate the credits.  If it's found it will.

> Now, I haven't had enough coffee today, so this is
> the best I can give  
> you:

I've had none . :P  (yet!)

> Also, you might want to parse the username through a
> few str_replace's  
> before you insert.. removing stuff like '<' and '>'.

Actually I grab the username from a session in the
setup.php file. :)  So I can grab it quite easily.

> Good luck!

Thanks. :)

> PS: I apparently sent this the first time using the
> wrong FROM  
> address.. So here it comes again. ;)

Your not alone, happened to me also. ;)

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