>i'd suggest to make things simpler - just plain pre-generated html with the
>notes part. name it after TOPIC and include it in the proper place. the
>generator script may run as cron job. there is only one problem - to
>rsync client from getting a semi-generated copy. this can be achieved like:
>or better - why not generate html upon comment add and use the html on the
>main site also?

The reason the HTML is not pregenerated, is so that we can change the
formatting etc on the fly. Perhaps according to a "max comments per page",
or "look and feel" parameters.  The CPU load in formatting comments is
pretty insignificant, especially compared to the other things it does at the
same time.

There might be some arguements for caching the comments in the filesystem
(on www.php.net), but the gains are probably not worth the hassle, IMHO.


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