On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Chand wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering if there was any documentation to the source code of php. I
> have to work on some internal patches to PHP for my company to offer php
> for a large number of users. I already did the patches but had a hard time
> understanding all the source code because of all the defines and macros
> that are scattered throughout all the code files.
> I started noting about all the PLS_FETCH(), and ELS_FETCH() and #ifdef ZTS
> and all that stuff but i really have a hard time sometime debugging my
> patches cause i don't really know what that function specifically does. now
> that i have new patches to do, i wish i had a plain documentation.
> I'd really appreciate one of you giving me access to one doc about all that
> stuff if there exists one :)

There is some documentation on the Zend site, however, its pretty
rudimentary, you've probably already outgrown it by this point.
lxr.php.net is a good resource, its a cross-referenced version of the


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