On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 12:22:47AM +0300, Zeev Suraski wrote:
> Cool - it looks very good!  That's exactly what I meant in the 'something 
> similar to C++'s virtual classes' :)

It looks good, but it also looks like it doesn't solve my problem. Well
I guess that's my problem not yours (:

To do sockets with different families properly I need to store some
place what family it is when it's created. So I want all sockets in
PHP to have an associated datastructure with this and perhaps other
data in it (this is not needed when the socket is created and destroyed
inside some low level function). Well, I'll look into that at some point.
Well, it's going to be at least some months before I'll look into that I
guess, it's probably something I'll do for 4.1. There are also other IPv6
things I could do before, as I wrote earlier today though, I'm a bit
discouraged by some of the problems people are having with getaddrinfo().


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