Hello Delphi programmer!

Here is a description of the wonderful world of Delphi....


An exception has occurred at 0x333F248A in Kernel32.DLL.

YOURAPP.EXE has caused a general fault.

Would you like to continue? YES or NO


Logical questions to the complement the above win32 problem follow...


Is your customer happy that they had to answer this question during
normal business hours? YES or NO

Is your customer happy that they had to answer this question after
normal business hours? YES or NO

Is your customer happy that they had to answer this question on the
weekend? YES or NO

Is your customer happy that they had to answer this question during the
holiday? YES or NO

Does your customer know what a general fault is? YES or NO

Does your customer feel motivated to write you a check to pay for
services rendered 
after receiving a general fault is? YES or NO

Did you tell the customer that it would never happen again? YES or NO

Were you able to capture a stack trace in TD32? YES or NO

Were you able to capture a stack trace on a program that died yesterday?

Is TD32 an ultimately effective Borland debugger? YES or NO

Can TD32 accurately resolve symbol names for Service Pack 3 of Windows
NT.4.0? YES or NO
Can TD32 accurately resolve symbol names for Service Pack 4 of Windows
NT.4.0? YES or NO
Can TD32 accurately resolve symbol names for Service Pack X of Windows
NT.4.0? YES or NO

Does it help to rebuild the VCL with debug information including
system.pas and sysutil.pas? YES or NO

Does it help to rebuild the .ASM components of the VCL with debug
information using TASM? YES OR NO

Do you spend more time writing code than you do fretting about problems
at the customer site? YES or NO

Do you spend more time selling your product than engineering for
different flavors of Win32? YES or NO

Are you happy as a Delphi Programmer after your customer forgot about
you? YES or NO


Happy debugging!

> I'm a pascal, delphi programmer so forget about c.
> Problem with the Win32 closed source thing you mentioned is that for this
> particular problem:
> win32/sendmail.c is not really a win32 problem but a php sendmail.c problem.
> A C problem in win32/sendmail.c is not win32 problem.
> So all you "PHP is better than ASP hypsters" get to work!
> lol
> PHP is ok for some problem solving but obviously ASP is better than PHP in
> the long run because of BETTER SUPPORT! :)
> At 01:42 AM 5/22/01 -0400, you wrote:
> >Michael & Joel:
> >
> >Here is a rant for both of you.
> >
> >Joel, Win32 is buggy no matter what flavor and you cannot fix the
> >problem or isolate problems
> >because it is closed source. (I bet poorly written source at that - like
> >MFC garbage)
> >
> >Linux has bugs, but you have the "opportunity" of fixing what you want
> >to. Don't complain about
> >the mail( ) bug, get off your duff and fix it. Or create a simple
> >workaround and keep moving forward.
> >Or hire those supposed win32 developers with your own funds and "do it
> >right" according to your desires.
> >
> >Your mail rant does not even suggest you have tried fixing the bug.  Not
> >everything will be done for you.  But the spirit
> >of the open source community will at least offer ideas and advice on how
> >to go about fixing it.
> >
> >Oops, I'm sorry, Win32 is closed source. Your problems will only get
> >solved by sheer luck. And tons of trial and error.
> >
> >I believe that Win32 worshippers should be responsible for maintaining
> >the port to Win32
> >and that Unix (linux) oriented types should focus on nothing but unix
> >and not waste
> >time considering the portability to Win32. Let the Win32 types create an
> >interface layer back
> >to Win32 if they want PHP4.x badly enough.
> >
> >PHP is suffering time delays due to supporting Win32, it should support
> >unix first, win32 as an after effort by
> >a trailing Win32 team (which will never be able to keep up with true
> >open source pace)
> >
> >Michael, since you hate all the aforementioned OS's, but each seems to
> >have its usefulness in some fashion,
> >what OS do you actually like?
> >
> >End of rant.
> >
> >Mark Diener
> >a battle scarred Win32 soldier...
> >who defected to linux...to allow the wounds to heal...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Michael Loftis wrote:
> > >
> > > win32 support is and always has been admittedly lacking.  I personally
> > don't
> > > take it serious as a web serving platform, I have seen any number of sites
> > > hit the wall hard when it comes to scaling with Win32 based
> > platforms.  It's
> > > suitable for testing and development maybe but not deployment.
> > >
> > > PHP has made best-effort to port to a badly screwed up platform.  If
> > you have
> > > a problem with the win32 port then work on it, submit patches.  Thats
> > how the
> > > open source model works.
> > >
> > > Sorry that your experience with PHP has been less than ideal.  I'm not
> > an OS
> > > bigot either, I freely hate Linux, and even BSD, Mac too, and Windows.  I
> > > believe though that each is right in certain areas.
> > >
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > > Well I feel the need for another rant.
> > > >
> > > > <rant start>
> > > >
> > > > I reported several times about the bugs in the win32 mail() function.
> > > > Over a year ago too.
> > > >
> > > > Well it looks like all the response that was given to it was about in the
> > > > nature of "don't know nothin about it 'cause I'm into linux".
> > > >
> > > > If you want to port to Windows you could at least get some win32
> > > > programmers to do it right.
> > > >
> > > > <rant over.>
> > > >
> > > > --
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> > > > To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > > --
> > > PHP Development Mailing List <http://www.php.net/>
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