On 28/06/01, "Zeev Suraski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The 400MB have nothing to do with this error;  You get it when you reach 
> PHP's memory limit.
> Remember that PHP uses quite a lot of memory for its own purposes, other 
> than the memory you use for your script.  The data structures used by the 
> engine, the modules, the symbol tables (environment, etc.) and so on and so 
> forth - all consume additional memory.  While I wouldn't estimate they take 
> whole 4MB, it's not impossible.

Thats what I though when I ran into the similar problem I described earlier, so I 
upped the memory limit to 16MB; it just delayed the inevitable memory exhausted 
Something must have changed to either consume large amounts of memory, or the memory 
limit code has become confused.
Is the limit based on malloc()'d or emalloc()'d memory?
It would be nice to be able to see where that memory has gone, so we can sort it out.


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