At 07:24 PM 1/1/2002 +0100, Georg Richter wrote:
>Although we're planning
> > on only move the unimportant extensions out of PHP I still think it should
> > be extremely easy to get a list of available extensions (maybe even a part
> > of the ./configure process) and to easily download/configure/install them.
>Please could you explain "unimportant" ?!

Uhm it's what we've always talked about: "Extensions which are not very 
widely used". (Why do people always need to get so picky about wording?) 
This can of course include extensions who'se author wants it to be outside 
of PHP because of the release cycle.
If you need an example. MySQL is widely used. fribidi is not widely used. 
session is widely used. readline is not.
We agreed in the past that there is a set of core extensions which we'd 
want to keep in PHP. We don't want to remove everything from PHP as this 
was always one of PHP's strengths.

Anyway, I don't know why we are clinging to the "unimportant" part of what 
I wrote and not the important part which is how PECL actually uses it and 
what the vision for PECL is.


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