I am quite unsatisfied with the fact that I currently have to BUY a
product, to be
able to protect my self from others, wanting to steal my php-source. Due
the fact that I want to be able to scramble my sources (for free), I now
intend program a source scrambeling feature for php myself. The way I
wanted it to
work is as follows:

When compiling the php (and the scramblemodule), you give a password as
argument. As product I then get:
  a. A binary enscrambler with the password hardcoded
  b. A php engine that are able to "unscramble" scrambled files

The scrambler:
First the scrambler appends an unique stamp to the top of the file. The
stamp consists of 
  a. an identifyer telling that this file is scrambled
  b. an MD5 checksum of the file
Next, the file is XOR'ed byte-by-byte with the password (cycled).

The php-engine:
If scrambling is enabled, the following happens for EACH
".php"-sourcefile the php-engine is going to pass:
The unscrambler (with the password hardcoded) unscrambles the first
number of bytes of the file. If then the bytes corresponding to the
stamp tells that this file is scrambled, the whole file is unscrambled.
The result (except the stamp) is returned to the php-engine. If the
stamp is not telling that the file is scrambled, it is given unchanged
to the php-engine.

The big question is: WHERE am I going to implement the last part?

As a feature, the unscrambler could be modularized, so that more than
one scramble-type can be used on the web-server.

How do I start on this project?

Rasmus Resen Amossen | stud.mat.dat at the University of Copenhagen
Jagtvej 120, -244    | http://www.math.ku.dk/muh
2200 Kbh. N          | http://www.ruf.adr.dk

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