
--Larry Garfield, Drupal

(I should probably vote on my on vote, shouldn't I...)

On 08/19/2016 01:43 PM, Larry Garfield wrote:
I hereby open a vote for the following Errata for PSR-6:


Basically, it's a vote to merge that PR.

The vote will be open for 2 weeks, closing on 2 September 2016 @ 23:59 UTC.

As usual, the vote is open to voting representatives only and is a simple +1/-1 vote.

I definitely appreciate the point that an InvalidArgumentException would have been better, and had this issue been brought up during the Review phase I'd probably have gone that direction. However, adding an exception does count as an API change, albeit a small one, so I am not comfortable with that direction in an Errata. (Obviously if you feel that this is a bad decision, vote -1.)

--Larry Garfield

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