Hi Matthew!

I am very happy to see that there are already examples of what I meant! And 
yes, you got it right - the application container rules them all! But this 
is more of a typical use case, rather than a rule. We are discussing a 
standard, so I believe that we shouldn't limit usage to specific 
techniques, but only introduce a helpful concept, codified via an interface 
in this case.

With regard to usage outside of the service definitions, I'm afraid it's 
quite hard to come up with an example. However, what I really meant was 
that no matter why the consumer may need to do that, this approach would 
allow them to, since it represents the new concept. One example could be of 
a module that may optimize or otherwise re-arrange the container hierarchy. 
On the other hand, we can never know what the usage may be, and what 
patterns may emerge from our standard. We would simply support the 
"hierarchy" concept via language means.

I think that a standard, while required to take into account specific use 
cases (and it appears that FIG makes its goal codifying the most common 
ones) must not limit implementations to those use cases, but instead simply 
provide a (perhaps language-supported) means of implementing these use 
cases, while keeping the door open for any other uses. For example, we 
could name the interface `DelegateLookupContainerInterface`, and it would 
serve its purpose; but would limit the implementation semantically to only 
lookup delegation. On the other hand, `ParentAwareContainerInterface` would 
allow simply a representation of any container hierarchy - maybe for use as 
a result of parsing an XML document (a DOM of sorts), or to represent a 
chart, or to delegate service lookup. I don't know what use cases there may 
be, and am not asserting that my examples are practical. Just expressing my 
point of view on the concept of "standards".

Bottom line is that I saw the need for an interface in the standard, and 
came up with an example of what could work, as well as of how it could 
work. I am now unsure whether the community recognizes this need need, 
after the comments of @mnapoli What do you think about it?

P.S. Sorry for the delay in response, very busy week.

On Friday, October 7, 2016 at 6:58:51 PM UTC+2, Xedin Unknown wrote:
> Hi all,
> The delegate lookup feature of Container Interop didn't get as much 
> attention as I feel it deserves. Specifically, it is lacking formalization 
> in PHP - an interface. I started this conversation , but was instructed 
> that the mailing list is the better way to go.
> It seems that many would agree with me in that it would be great to have 
> the standard backed by an interface. There was talk of an interface 
> <https://github.com/container-interop/container-interop/pull/8>, but the 
> idea was shot down due to forcing the implementation to declare a setter. I 
> completely agree that forcing a setter is a bad idea.
> *But why not a getter?*
> * <https://github.com/XedinUnknown/di>*
> *XedinUnknown/di <https://github.com/XedinUnknown/di>* is an example of 
> an implementation that would achieve lookup delegation while depending on 
> one method of one interface. The rest is implementation details.
> In short, the container that wishes to delegate must pass its parent (or, 
> in my implementation, the "root" parent), if set, to the service definition 
> callable. If the callable is a composite container, it will forward the 
> call to the first child container that contains the definition. Please find 
> a more expanded description in the repo's Readme.
> Looking forward to your comments, questions, or suggestions.

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