Sander Pilon wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > What do you think about Zend position?
> >
> >
> >
> I think that if Zend wants to sell it for $6000, then they have all right
> to. These guys have worked hard, and they deserve some cash for it.
> If people can't afford it at $6000, then that's their problem. Software is
> intellectual property, it shouldn't be free, and authors should be able to
> charge any price for it they want to charge for it.

There is, of course, the Encoder SE available via the commercial
subscription plan...

The Encoder is designed for (mostly) companies who design, develop
and sell PHP applications. Up to now, PHP has not been a viable
solution for distributed web apps, instead relying on companies
having to either become mini-ASPs, or taking the risk and
distributing the actual PHP scripts. And the sad fact is that
for many companies, they will disregard Licenses or NDAs or
agreements at the drop of a hat. So there has been resistance
to using PHP for apps designed for distro.

The Enocoder solves that.

If the solution that the Encoder provides isn't something you need,
they you don't need to pay :) If you want to distribute your
code for free, then most likely you'll be also sending the
text script, so you don't need the Encoder. If you are a small
shop, and want to dip your toes, the Commercial Subscription
allows you to distributed and sell your encoded apps at a
very reasonable price point... 

By the by, my other hat is [EMAIL PROTECTED], in the interests of
full disclosure. But feedback is always welcome!

   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
          "Casanova will have many weapons; To beat him you will
              have to have more than forks and flatulence."

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