> 1. How efficient is to use XML+XSLT solution? Does it
> add processing overhead to the system?

The efficientcy is relative to many factors, however I can stress this.
The style sheets can be cached client side and then only xml data can be
sent to the user. This reduces bandwidth and allows the transformation
to be done on the client side instead of server side. Also not that xml
+ xslt transformations can be done server side. I usually do browser
checks to determine if the browser is capable of handling xml+xslt
transformations: if so then i send the files. Now if the browser is old
or has issues (i.e. Internet explorer 5.5) then i can do the
transformation server side and send html.  Also note that you can set up
a caching system at this point.

If the transformation is done server side then yes you have that over
head. However, if you are only serving up xml files and xslt files (part
of the time on xslt) then u are reducing server load.

> 2. Do you have some examples which can describe the
> separation of layers using the XML+XSLT technology?

Here are some sites that can get you started:
1. w3c.org
2. w3schools.com
3. xml.com

> 3. Currently i am storing the data in the mysql
> database. so first i need to create the xml file on
> fly and then i need to integrate this xml file with
> the xsl style sheet. Please corret if i am wrong
> anywhere

yes that is correct...u can set up a system that creates xml files on
the fly and then assigns an associated xsl(t) file for it. Basically, we
are using php to create xml files to send to clients and xslt to
transform that data. Think of it in these terms xml (raw data) and xslt
(presentation logic).

However, do not forget that xml (xslt, xsd, xpath, etc) are their own
technologies so they require knowledge of them.  With xml you can start
working on creating your own web services that are php driven.

That should get u started.


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