As far as I can tell, there isn't a common coding practice among PHP developers. What I mean is: there is no standard as in ANSI Standard C++. However, I believe that there beginning to be a move toward a more standardized way of coding, and I would greatly support and like to be involved in helping create this standard.

Nonetheless, some good coding practices for PHP are in the PEAR manual (as this is the standard way that PEAR developers request that you code PEAR packages). These standards may be found at:


Alex Pilson wrote:

I am migrating my development from Lasso 6 to PHP, and I have used the FuseBox methodology pretty extensively on some sites. It works very well. I was wondering, how prevalent is the FuesBox methodology in the PHP developer community? If not, is there a common coding practice (structure) that most use?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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