Sorry guys, my mistake:
This thing doesn't work:
if(isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['SubmitForm']) == 'Submit')

i added isset() on wrong place.

Thanks to everybody!


Afan Pasalic wrote:

That's exactly what I did. I overwrite the existing .htaccess with "my" (that has php_flag register_global off) in root directory of my web site (actually: /client/home/afan/docs/.htaccess - place where my web site is stored). And I have a permission and it really overwrote the existing .htaccess.

But, let me ask something else - maybe I am wrong from "begining"...

I have this code:

# index.php
if(isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['SubmitForm']) == 'Submit')
   echo "OK";

<form method=post action=index.php>
name <input type=text name=first_name>
<input type=submit name=SubmitForm value=Submit>

the code above works fine. But when I use
if(isset($_POST['SubmitForm']) == 'Submit')
it doesn't work?!?

Is this actually register_global problem or something else?

Greg Donald wrote:

On Wed, 2004-09-01 at 12:37, Afan Pasalic wrote:

Me again with same thing.
I added to
.htaccess php_flag register_globals off but it still doesn't work.
When I list phpinfo() it shows me Master value for register_global: On
On my local computer (localhost) it shows me Off.
I need it to be Off.

You can't alter the register_globals master value from inside an
.htaccess file.  Aside from editing the php.ini, the most you can do is
put the .htaccess file in the root directory of your web root so it
cascades down to all the other scripts, I mean if that's what you want
and all.

Also, you might want to check with your web host that ".htaccess" is an
allowed override filename and that they allow overrides, it looks like
it is from you described.  Long story short, you appear to be all set.

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