On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 12:12:54PM -0700, revDAVE wrote:

> Using a repeating region of a query, I want to generate a 'form on the fly'
> So for each repeat - I have an extra form input....
> Each input name = thisline<?php echo $cnt; ?>
> So it will make names like:
> thisline1
> thisline2
> thisline3
> Etc.
> For the form fields
> -------------------------
> $cnt = 1;
> <form action="form1.php" method="post" name="test1">
> Repeat.....
> <input name="go<?php echo $cnt; ?>" type="text" value="" size="5"
> maxlength="5" />
>  <?php      $cnt++;     ?>
> Repeat..................
> ------------------------------------
> Q: how do I code the POST line to READ this when processing this form?
> like:
> $cnt = 1;
>  <?php echo $_POST['thisline$cnt']; ?> ???? Doesn't work...?

This won't work because you've got the expression in single quotes. In
order for the $cnt to be evaluated, you have to double-quote it.

>  <?php echo $_POST['thisline'].$cnt; ?>???? Doesn't work...?

This *should* work, except... what is $_POST['thisline']?

> Not this either...
> $this = 'thisline'.$cnt;
> echo $_POST['$this'];
> $cnt++
> Q: ANY Ideas?

If this form is re-entrant (displays 4 lines, user hits "Done" and it
displays 5 lines, etc.), then you're going to have to save the $cnt
value in the $_POST array. Then you do something like:

<?php for ($i = 0; $i < $_POST['cnt']; $i++): ?>
    <input type="text" size="5" name="thisline<?php echo $i; ?>"
    value="<?php echo $_POST["thisline$i"; ?>"/>
<?php endfor; ?>
<?php $cnt = $_POST['cnt']++; ?>
<input type="text" size="5" name="thisline$cnt"/>
<input type="hidden" name="cnt" value="<?php echo $cnt; ?>"/>

Your question is a little unclear, so I may be misunderstanding what you


Paul M. Foster

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