I did some very complete logging for two major german companies on their
intranet pages. an application with something like 23000 registered users
and more then 50000 hits a day. I did none of any kind of buffering, just
raw table inserts. it never gave any problem on performance HOWEVER we did a
DAILY backup AND reset of the logging tables. so the tables where never much
bigger then 50000 records. so if u use mySQL and the buffer technices
mentioned earlier I would go with it because of the benefit not to maintain
another different tool.


"Waynn Lue" <waynn...@gmail.com> wrote in message
> >
> > Hey PHPers,
> >>
> >> We've been doing sampled logging to the database in our application for
> >> awhile, and now I'm hoping eventually to blow that out to a larger
> >> I'm worried about the performance implications of logging to our
> >> on
> >> ...
> >>
> >>
> > If you are using mysql and MyISAM tables, you can try using "insert
> > " method.
> >
> > http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/insert-delayed.html
> >
> > This will bulk all your inserts for writes.
> >
> Thanks for the suggestions!  Those both look great for what I was going to
> do.  One other thought I had after reading those suggestions, if we're
> web server logging, we can also parse the logs using webalizer or awstats.
> I know apache provides file size and the URL that's being hit, but what if
> want to do custom referral tracking?  We append ref=foo to our links to
> track where people are coming from, should I look at building my own
> solution for that, or do existing tools like awstats suffice for that as
> well?

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