"Ashley Sheridan" <a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk> wrote in message 
> On Mon, 2009-11-09 at 00:23 +0000, Tony Marston wrote:
>> developer laziness
>> or incompetence is not an acceptable excuse.
> Exactly, so fix your scripts!

But my scripts aren't broken! It's PHP 6 that is broken.

> I do wonder though, what hosting company you use that would just upgrade
> to PHP6 without warning on you and 'break' your scripts,

How many hosting companies write to all their account holders to ask 
permission before upgrading PHP, not just from 4 to 5, but all the releases 
in between? Very few of them, if any, in my experience.

> yet at the same
> time would not allow you to install what you call an 'amateur fudge'. I
> can't think of any hosting company that would care so little about their
> customers.

Some hosting companies won't allow you to use htaccess files, refuse to 
install any optional extension, let alone one from the PECL or PEAR 
repositories. Some of them won't give you more than one MySQL database. 
Different companies provide different levels of service. The only thing that 
the DO have in common is that they charge you for it.

Tony Marston

> Thanks,
> Ash
> http://www.ashleysheridan.co.uk

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