Daevid Vincent wrote:
> I have a form with probably 100+ elements from input, checkbox, select
> boxes, textareas, etc. It's extremely tedious to fill these in all the time
> and submit while developing/testing.
> Anyone know of a plugin to Firefox (or IE for that matter) that will fill in
> the fields, select stuff, check stuff, etc. with some modicum of
> predictability. Random text only goes so far when debugging as you don't
> necessarily know what the field SHOULD contain.

why not kill two birds with one stone and use selenium to test properly
and automate the process?


bit of integration testing certainly won't harm you.

however - to take O.Lavell's comment on board if you can ("If it is
tedious for you it will be tedious for your future users. And as
a rule, they have far less patience than you have.")


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