From: Daevid Vincent

> I have a form with probably 100+ elements from input, checkbox, select
> boxes, textareas, etc. It's extremely tedious to fill these in all the
> and submit while developing/testing.
> Anyone know of a plugin to Firefox (or IE for that matter) that will
fill in
> the fields, select stuff, check stuff, etc. with some modicum of
> predictability. Random text only goes so far when debugging as you
> necessarily know what the field SHOULD contain.

The Selenium IDE plug-in records a macro when you fill out the form. You
can run, edit and save that macro, or export it to a half dozen
different languages, then copy and edit those scripts, etc. I record
whole session scenarios, export them to Perl and run them through the
Selenium Remote Control server. I manage them with Perl's Test::Harness.
I am slowly building up a regression test suite for a commercial site. I
tried to do it in PHP, but couldn't find a functional test harness that
wasn't OO based. (Unfortunately, after 40 years of procedural
programming, mostly in assembly languages, I have no class.)

One note, the IDE will not import scripts once they are exported. You
can only load scripts that were saved. These appear to be an xhtml

Bob McConnell

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