Shawn McKenzie wrote:
> Daniel Kolbo wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm missing some unifying piece of the zend/php puzzle...
>> I understand the basics of zend engine opcode, caching the opcode,
>> optimizing the opcode, and caching the optimized opcode, etc...   The
>> part I'm struggling with is somewhere in the zend world.
>> Under a typical php install where does the zend engine live (like what
>> file)?
> I don't think it is separate from PHP itself.  The Zend engine was a
> rewrite of the PHP execution engine with resource/mem management and the
> API for loadable extensions, etc...  Later adding the PHP 5 OOP stuff.
>> I am under the impression that I need to install the Zend Server
>> Community Edition (ZSCE) to get the zend optimizer+.  I thought PHP came
>> with the zend engine...why do i now have to download this ZSCE just to
>> add a component to the engine i already have?
>> 1)  Is there a way to turn on zend optimizer+ component (like in php.ini
>> zend extension) without having to install ZSCE?
> It is an extension available on the Zend download page.
>> 1.2) If i have to install the ZSCE stack, wouldn't this effectively be
>> adding another engine on my machine?
> Yes, it is a install of PHP with alot of other stuff bundled in.  So it
> depends upon what you need and if you want to install/configure PHP
> yourself with all of these additions, or if you just want to install the
> Zend server.
Hello Mr. McKenzie,

Thanks for the response.  I do not see zend optimizer+ on:

There is a zend optimizer download link, but this is different than zend
optimizer+.  My understanding is the former facilitates with the use of
zend gaurd while the latter optimizes the opcode.  I want the latter

Where does one obtain the zend optimizer+ component?  (I spent the
better part of my saturday trying to find it).  I ended up installing
the zend server community edition to see how it configured its own
apache and php installs in the httpd.conf and php.ini as a way to shed
some light on to my understanding.

The zend server is using different libraries then the standard php
install.  I could try to mimic the behaviour of the zend server
configuration with my original php configuration; however, I'm a bit
concerned about only grabbing partial components...maybe i don't need to
be so worried.  Maybe this plan isn't even possible.

I guess i was expecting to google, 'install zend optimizer+ component'
and find gooooogles of howtos.  Because i don't see this, it makes me
wonder if i'm trying to do something i oughta not...

My question boils down to:
How do I extend my current php install to add a component (zend
optimizer+) to my current php install?


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