On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 7:03 PM, Michelle Konzack
<linux4miche...@tamay-dogan.net> wrote:
> Hello Tommy Pham,
> Am 2010-03-23 18:17:56, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
>> Let's go back to my 1st e-commerce example.  The manufacturers list is
>> about 3,700.  The categories is about about 2,400.  The products list
>> is right now at 500,000 and expected to be around 750,000.  The site
>> is only in English.  The store owner wants to expand and be I18n:
>> Chinese, French, German, Korean, Spanish.  You see how big and complex
>> that database gets?  The store owners want to have this happens when a
>> customer clicks on a category:
> I have something like this similar but my database  is  arround  2 TByte
> and stored on seven Sun Fire X4150  and  I  have  only  two  X4100M2  as
> redunant Front-End.
> Your 750.000 items look a little bit like a gadget database...
> I habe several 10 million rows and 200 columns and this is why I splited
> the Database into seven Severs.
> Even threading would not work on this database, because the botleneck is
> the Disk-IO.
> A query about the "Irak-War" and "Backwater" would kill a singel server.
>> * show all subcategories for that category, if any
>> * show all products for that category, if any,
>> * show all manufacturers, used as filtering, for that category and 
>> subcategories
>> * show price range filter for that category
>> * show features & specifications filter for that category
>> * show 10 top sellers for that category and related subcategories
>> * the shopper can then select/deselect any of those filters and
>> ability to sort by manufacturers, prices, user rating, popularity
>> (purchased quantity)
>> * have the ability to switch to another language translation on the fly
>> * from the moment the shopper click on a link, the response time (when
>> web browser saids "Done" in the status bar) is 5 seconds or less.
>> Preferably 2-3 seconds. Will be using stopwatch for the timer.
> Nothing special...
> Describtion for the products sould be a seperated server
> Q:  Do you real mean, you put 750.000 product describtions into
>    the database and then create a new colum for ech language?
> Your Mini-Shop could be done with redunancy using two Database- and two
> Web-Servrs.
>> is not even enterprise requirement.  I may have another possible
>> project where # products is over 10 million easily.  With similar
> More the 10 mio products?  Whats this?
> I a in the electronic business, and geting 10 mio products, mean, take
> ANY western manufacturers of microchip manufacturers,  passive  parts,
> connectors and such into a database?
> Put asian manufactures to are arround 30 mio in total.
> If you say, you put the  FITS  data  from  the  ESO  into  it,  I  could
> understand, but your explanation is a little but to unbelivable.
> Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
>    Michelle Konzack
>    Systemadministrator
>    24V Electronic Engineer
>    Tamay Dogan Network
>    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant
> --
> Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
> ##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
> <http://www.tamay-dogan.net/>                 Michelle Konzack
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> Jabber linux4miche...@jabber.ccc.de           67100 Strabourg/France
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10+ million products is not hard to believe.  Look at Amazon (my
future possible project is not related to Amazon nor am I endorsing
it).  They sell consumer goods.  Their product skus are about 30
million, and that's not all the consumer goods there are either.

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