On Tue, 2010-05-11 at 16:50 -0700, Brian Dunning wrote:

> Hi Shiplu -
> I also have a product with similar requirements. I searched a LOT and was 
> never able to find a free solution that I was satisfied with. Even a lot of 
> the commercial solutions required some server-side runtime EXE or something 
> be installed, and my customers are not tech savvy enough to get that going.
> I ultimately settled on PHP Lockit, which is $29. It's a Windows program that 
> you run to create an obfuscated version of your script. I'm very satisfied 
> with the obfuscation, and it does not require any external runtime files or 
> anything. Works like a charm, and I recommend it.
> http://phplockit.com/
> - Brian
> On May 9, 2010, at 1:36 PM, shiplu wrote:
> > Is there any php encoder like IonCube ?
> > Looking for an opensource solution.
> > My main target is to deliver encoded php codes so that it can not be
> > re-engineered.

Does slightly limit you to the Windows platform though, which I always
think is a shame when using a language as open as PHP.


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