On Sun, 2012-09-02 at 00:23 -0400, John Taylor-Johnston wrote:

> See:
> http://www.cegepsherbrooke.qc.ca/~languesmodernes/test/test.php
> http://www.cegepsherbrooke.qc.ca/~languesmodernes/test/test.phps
> In $mystring, I need to extract everything between "|News Releases|" and 
> "-30".
> The thing now is $mystring might contain many instances of 
> "|News Releases|" and "-30".
> How do I deal with this? My code only catches the first instance.
> Thanks for you help so far.
> John
> >> You can use strpos() to find the location of "News Releases" then you
> >> can again use strpos() to find the location of "-- 30 --" but you will
> >> want to feed strpos() an offset for matching "-- 30 --" (specifically
> >> the position found for "News Releases"). This ensures that you only
> >> match on "-- 30 --" when it comes after "News Releases". Once you have
> >> your beginning and start offsets you can use substr() to create a
> >> substring of the interesting excerpt. Once you have the excerpt in hand
> >> you can go back to tamouse's recommendation above.
> > Cheers,
> > Rob.

What code are you using at the moment? It's not very useful to us to
know that your code is half-way there, but then not see the code!


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