How I view this subject as a Newbie

I don't care about attitudes, language, remarks, or anything
of this nature.  What I do care about is having a place where
I can ask stupid questions (Most of the time) intelligent
question (whenever possible) and get an answer.  Someday when
I can understand the manuals and have alot more experience with
PHP and MySQL I will be glad to pitch in and help.  Until then
I need your help.  Yes I read the manuals, FAQs and anything
else I can find.  But sometimes, I just flat don't know what
the heck I'm reading.  So from a Newbie to you Seasoned Vets

         /'^ ^'\

    J R Palmer
    ICQ 411053

     (   )      Oooo.
   ---\ (-------(   )------
       \_)       ) /

-----Original Message-----
From: scott [gts] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 2:14 PM
To: php
Subject: RE: [PHP] FAQ - was "Attitude of B van Ouwerkerk"

An actual "Question and Answer" FAQ is probably not
necessary, since there are so many other good
information resources out there already, but what
seems to be necessary is to provide newbies with
a current list of some really good PHP-related sites.

(like -- i use it everyday,
but not too many newbies seem to know about it)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mike cullerton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Attitude of B van Ouwerkerk
> on 7/31/01 12:37 PM, scott [gts] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > there's a fine line between being terse and being nasty.
> >
> > please don't misinterpret this, but i think that we
> > could all benefit from being less sensitive of the
> > style each of us express ourselves in...
> once again, scott, you seem to have a nice concise way of putting things
> newbies are part of internet communities, as are old curmudgeons.
> thankfully, so too are the wise, willing to share their knowledge.
> recently, Brian White mentioned a propsed faq for the "headers already
> question. also, Philip Olson mentioned a link at php.faqts.
> what is up with a faq for this list? is there one? i have been saving good
> responses to faq type questions with the intent of putting a faq together.
> now is as good a time as any. i'll post something in a couple days.
> that way, we can politley say to newcomers. "hey, nice to have you around.
> hope we can help you out some. two places you should go to get started are
> and"
> let me know if there already is one.
> have a day,
> mike
>  -- mike cullerton
> --
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