thanks to everyone for their help.

it's not my server, so I doubt I can get a recompile, but it'll be worth
a try.

this message is worth discussing though:

Michael Hall wrote:

> IMHO it would be very difficult to build/use a reliable
> spell checker that worked automatically. Natural languages are just too complex
> and ambiguous. Look at how often something like Word or Star Office gets things
> wrong. 'Hare' is not spelled wrong unless you meant to write 'hair', for
> example. And spell checkers can't deal with scrambled syntax, etc.

I had a bit more of a think about *how* today.

I'm thinking along the lines of looking for words not in the
"dictionary" (eg "caat") and then:

a) alerting the user ('unknown word "caat"')
b) offering alternatives ('did you mean cat|cart?')
c) displaying the text for the user to review and resubmit

I think the idea is to warn the user of unknown words, rather than
trying to have a program automatically insert a word, in context with
the surrounding words -- eeeek, that'd be massive!!

Essentially, the above solution would have to:

1.  attempt to match every word in the string to a dictionary, and maybe
even a user-defined dictionary
2.  look for close matches (have no idea how to approach this!!)
3.  spit the text back out in a form, with the alerts/suggestions
4.  accept the next text submission regardless

There could be other solutions like:
1.  attempt to match every word in the string to a dictionary

then, for each unknown word:
2.  report the word, in context (3 words either side?), in a tect field
to be directly edited
3.  offer a drop down menu of suggestions
4.  click submit, goes onto next word

Seems like waaaay to much work (even out of my league) to contemplate
for this project, but it could be an interesting hobby project later on :)

Justin French

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