I'm not sure if this is a problem I can overcome with PHP or if I have 
to go directly to the Linux box to fix (I hope not).

I have moved my development from a win32/apache/mysql box to a 
Mandrake/apache/mysqly box and have only one problem (that I know of) to 

When I try to upload an image (with scripts that worked just fine on the 
win32 system) I get a permission denied error. The dir that I am trying 
to write to has permissions for everybody to do anything! (777 or 0777 
how ever you want to format it). The scripts are located in my user dir 
under public_html etc etc. I can create directories in there but I can't 
seem to convince the darn thing to copy an image. It seems to upload (no 
errors) but that is where it ends. I don't know what other information 
you need from me or if this is even the proper list to be submitting to.

Again I say I am able to create directories but not copy an image. ???

Thanks and I'm sorry that my question has anything to do with uploading 
stuff eheheh


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