* Lars Torben Wilson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Feb 01. 2002 05:07]:

> On Fri, 2002-02-01 at 01:33, Brian Clark wrote:

> > XHTML isn't too different. There are different `rules' -- like tags
> > and attributes must be lower case, values must be surrounded by
> > double quotes, tags without closing tags: <br />, <img src="i.gif"
> > alt=" " />, Etc..

> Everything is correct 'cept the 'double quotes' bit--XML accepts
> attribute values enclosed in either single or double quotes.

Well I be! I just validated a test page using XHTML 1.0 transitional and
you're right. I guess I learn something new every day. 0_o

Happy Trails,
Brian Clark | Unable to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
Sinners can repent, but stupid is forever.

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