        I am trying to upload a file from remote machine.
        Could you please help out me.

        Thanks in advance
<!DOCTYPE html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">

        <form action='upload.php' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
                File: <input type='file' name='path'>
                        <input type='submit' value='UPLOAD'>



        echo "Path: $path <BR>";


        echo "File name : $file";

        echo "$file <br>$path";
 print "<font face='verdana' size='2' class='text_size_9'>Your file has been
uploaded!!!</font><br><br>" ;
 print "<font face='verdana' size='2' class='text_size_9'>A problem was
 encountered during your file upload.</font><br>";



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