On 5/30/02 8:13 AM, "Ford, Mike               [LSS]" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
pressed the keys forming the message:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Edward Marczak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: 30 May 2002 03:27
>> OK - I've read the manual, looked at sample code....and I sadly am
>> missing something.
>> I'm doing (basically) this in my form:
>> <form action="someform.php" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"
>> method="post" 
>> name="replysub" id="replysub">
>> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000">
>> <input type="file" name="subfile" id="subfile" size="50">
>> On the page it's submitted to, just to check the data, I did this:
>> $lineNo = 1;
>> echo "Dumping file info...<br>--------------------------<br>";
>> reset($_FILES);
>> while (list ($key, $val) = each($_FILES['subfile'])) {
>> echo "$lineNo $key => $val<br>";
>> $lineNo++;
>> }
>> ....and I get this:
>> Dumping file info...
>> --------------------------
>> 1 name => somefile.exe
>> 2 type => application/x-msdownload
>> 3 tmp_name => none
>> 4 size => 0
>> Where do I start looking to figure out why tmp_name and size
>> don't get 
>> set?  Why doesn't this file get uploaded?
> tmp_name and size *are* set -- "none" is PHP's way of saying it didn't
> actually upload anything, and "0" is the correct size for a file that wasn't
> uploaded anyway!
> At a guess, you've exceeded one of the size limits -- check the settings of
> the php.ini parameters upload_max_file_size and post_max_size (which should be
> larger than upload_max_filesize).  And, just for good measure, check that
> file_uploads is turned On!

Hmmmmmm.  Sure, file_uploads is on....and I just tested with a really small
file...and....yup.  Looks like I'm going over some limit.  Crap, I thought I
had that nailed down.  Thanks - back to the manual for me.
Ed Marczak

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