>From the php.net manual for pg_fetch_array:

Note: From 4.1.0, row became optional. Calling pg_fetch_array() will
increment internal row counter by 1. 

"Ilia A." wrote:
> On July 5, 2002 07:54 pm, Pete James wrote:
> > "Ilia A." wrote:
> > >  The biggest annoyance I've come across is
> > > the fact that while using PostgreSQL with PHP is that when you fetch a
> > > row you must specify the number of the result, while in MySQL, that is
> > > handled internally by PHP for you. This means that your PHP scripts must
> > > track the row numbers themselves.
> >
> > This is not so... see pg_fetch_array.  Since PHP 4.1.0, you no longer
> > need the row number.
> It may work without, but according to the manual on php.net
> pg_fetch_array
> pg_fetch_object
> pg_fetch_row
> REQUIRE a row number. If that is no longer the case as you claim, perphaps
> someone needs to inform the developers and have them update the
> documentation.
> >
> > > Now we come to the actual database speed itself. In this regard in most
> > > applications MySQL is MUCH faster probably because it has to do allot
> > > less work then PostgreSQL does. For example, lets analyze the most common
> > > action performed in a database system, a SELECT. When you do a select in
> > > MySQL, MySQL internally locks the table for the duration of the select.
> > > PostgreSQL on the other hand does a row level lock, internally, for every
> > > row you select.
> >
> > Is this really what you want?  Doesn't this mean that PostgreSQL would
> > be more efficient for larger user volumes?  Locking an entire table
> > isn't usually a good thing.
> >
> Not necessarily, locking entire table has its pluses and minuses. The BIG
> minues is that while the entire table is locked you cannot do anything until
> the lock is released. On the other hand, it is MUCH faster to lock the entire
> table then the inidividual rows. PostgreSQL would be more effecient on a
> system that does lots of locking, but on a system without or few locks MySQL
> will beat it hands down.
> Ilia
> FUDforum Core Developer
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