
Alexander Ross wrote:
> I realize this isn't a php question, but I figured that someone here knows
> of a good mysql newsgroup and in the mean time someone here probaby knows
> the answer to my question.
> Can I set up a query like this:
> select * from table where start_shot <= $current_shot and end_shot >=
> $current_shot
> note everything will be of type INT

Yes, you can, providing that those fields would exist and be of a 
comparable type.
Just one question, wasn't it quicker to just give it a try? :)



LoRd, CaN yOu HeAr Me, LiKe I'm HeArInG yOu?
lOrD i'M sHiNiNg...
YoU kNoW I AlMoSt LoSt My MiNd, BuT nOw I'm HoMe AnD fReE
tHe TeSt, YeS iT iS
ThE tEsT, yEs It Is
tHe TeSt, YeS iT iS
ThE tEsT, yEs It Is.......

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